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Conceal Tracks
[Single-use, base cost: 10 points]
This skill allows the character to conceal one creature's tracks for long enough to foil any attempts at tracking them. This skill will not conceal the scent of the creature.

[Single-use, base cost: 10 points]
This skill allows the character to conceal himself in any available cover. He must not be seen hiding himself, and may not move without the Sneak skill.

[Single-use, base cost: 10 points]
This skill allows the character to move for 10 seconds through reasonable cover whilst remaining hidden. They will remain unseen unless they do something daft. After the 10 seconds, any additional movement will reveal their presence.

[Single-use, base cost: 10 points]
This skill allows a character to disarm an opponent. The two weapons must be in contact when the skill is shouted, at which point the opponent must immediately drop this weapon. If a chance arises the weapon can, of course, be picked up after it has been dropped.

[Single-use, base cost: 10 points]
With this skill, a character can parry and block any single blow from a melee weapon. You cannot parry thrown weapons unless you are a Weapon Expert, and you cannot parry missile weapons unless you are a Weapon Master. You cannot parry area effects or targetted spells.

Resist Disarm [Single-use, base cost: 5 points]
If one is disarmed by another, this skill allows the character to be able to keep hold of his weapon.

[Single-use, base cost: 10 points]
This skill allows the character to avoid a single blow or missile shot. Area effects or targeted spells cannot be dodged.

[Single-use, base cost: 15 points]
With this skill, a character can perform any miscellaneous feat of acrobatics (leap, balance, flip, fall, etc.) The player need not role-play the action if they don't want to.

[Unlimited-use, base cost: 5 points]
The character can climb up walls and rock faces. You can climb in light or medium armour if you have the relevant Wear Armour skill, but you cannot while wearing plate, not even slightly.

[Unlimited-use, base cost: variable]
With this skill, the character is light and nimble on his feet. He can move quickly and gracefully, allowing him to avoid, to a certain degree, any melee damage inflicted.
This skill does not negate any skills that require surprise (e.g. Cut Throat), is of no use against area-effects or targetted spells, and does not reduce the damage to below a single.
The first purchase of avoidance costs 20 eps, the next costs 30eps, then 40 eps, and finally 50 eps. With four levels of Avoidance you take a single from anything up to a quint.

[Single-use, base cost: 10 points]
This skill gives the ability to escape rope bonds, chains, and manacles. It requires some role playing for the skill to be used, and anyone watching will see that the character is up to something.
Note: None of the known Guilds can teach this skill. Anyone seen to be using the skill could be suspected of being a thief.

Pick Lock
[Single-use, base cost: 10 points]
With this skill and some suitable picks (not a dagger) this character can work open any non magical lock given enough time. An average lock will take about 1 minute to be opened.
Note: None of the known Guilds can teach this skill. Anyone seen to be using the skill could be suspected of being a thief.

Sleight of Hand
[Single-use, base cost: 10 points]
This skill allows the performing of simple acts of manual deception and conjuring tricks. The character can palm small objects, make coins dance across nuckles or perform card tricks. This skill also includes juggling, and can be used creatively in combination with some weapon skills (most notably Throwing Knives).

Pick Pocket
[Single-use, base cost: 10 points Pre-req: Sleight of Hand]
This skill allows the character to pick pockets. The character must maintain physical contact with their target's clothing for a slow count of 5, after which they may take any item they choose that the target has in their posession. Stealing large items (e.g. swords) or anything fastened in place can be done, but takes a slow count of 10.
This skill is countered by Detect Deceit.
Note: None of the known Guilds can teach this skill. Anyone caught using the skill will be accused of being a thief.

Weapon Use
[Unlimited-use, base cost: varies]
This ill permits the use of a chosen weapon that utilises dexterity more than strength. This includes thrown weapons and all missile weapons.
See the Weapon Skills Table for a list.

Weapon Combination
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 5]
This skill allows a character to fight with a weapon in each hand.
Note that using a weapon in your off-hand you will be doing -1 damage unless you buy the weapon-use skill a second time. This still applies if you are using it as part of a combination.

[Unlimited-use, base cost: 15]
This skill allows a charcter to use both hands equally. Weapons used in their off-hand will not suffer the usual -1 damage penalty.
Note: This skill does not grant any weapon-combination skills.

Fast Draw
[Single-use, base cost: 10]
This skill allows a character to call a brief Time out to ready a weapon for combat from a sheath or belt. It cannot be used if the weapon is dropped or tangled or anything wierd like that.

[Unlimited-use, base cost: 30; Pre-req: Weapon Adept]
With this skill, the character is so accurate with their chosen weapon that they can penetrate all normal armour, to inflict the target with the full damage.

Critical Strike
[Single-use, base cost: 15; Pre-req: Anatomy OR Fashion Armour]
There are two critical strikes which require a certain degree of dexterity to achieve. They are :

  • Cut throat : This blow must be struck with a knife or dagger and be slashed across the throat. The victim must be unaware of the blow, and it reduces the victim to the point of death. However any decent armour specifically protecting the neck negates this strike.
  • Ki Strike : This blow inflicts 15 points of damage through armour. It may be parried (which will turn the strike into a Disarm) or dodged.

Weapon Proficient
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 20]
The character is quite practised with a chosen weapon, and is now striking at +1 (doubles).

Weapon Adept
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 30; Pre-req: Weapon Proficient]
The character is now pretty good with a chosen weapon, and is striking at +2 damage (triples).

Weapon Expert
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 40; Pre-req: Weapon Adept]
The character is now exceptionally good with the chosen weapon, and is striking at +3 damage (quads).

Weapon Master
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 50; Pre-req: Weapon Expert]
The character is now superbly capable with his weapon, and is striking for +4 damage (quints).

Wear Light Armour
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 20]
This skill allows the character to wear light armour (i.e Leather) without sacrificing the use of any of his other skills.
Note: Anyone can wear Fur/Cloth armour without penalty. Anyone can wear heavier armour, but they will be virtually imobile, and will not be able to use any more than the simplest of skills.

Wear Medium Armour
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 30; Pre-req: Wear Light]
The character has now familiarised himself with the wieght and feel of medium armour (Studded or Padded Leather), and can wear it without penalty.

See also : Character Skills
  : Charisma
  : Craft
  : Intellect
  : Life
  : Mysticism
  : Perception
  : Strength
  : Agility summary table
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Except where stated, this site and its contents are copyright ©2025 Alec Harkness and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 License.
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