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Weapon Use
[Unlimited-use, base cost: varies]
This skill permits the use of a chosen melee weapon that utilises strength more than dexterity.
See the Weapon Skills Table for a list.

Feat of Strength
[Single-use, base cost: 15 points]
With this skill, a character can accomplish a single, amazing feat of strength eg throwing a sheep through a window or smashing a wall with your head. This skill is very effective when used in combination with one of the heightened-strength skills such as Body Building or Ogre Strength.
This skill can also be used as a Resist Disarm, or a single +1 damage strike.

Battle Frenzy
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 15 points]
Also known as Berserk, this skill allows the fighter to become a crazed berserker, each berserker having a trigger which sends him over the edge. When in battle frenzy, the warrior must strike out, with no concern of his own health or that of anyone caught in his wake, including friends. For this sacrifice of all rational thought, the warrior gains immunity to subdue and all Charm-type spells, 50% effective increase in life points, and +1 damage to any melee strike. The warrior comes out of a rage when everyone in sight is dead (or at least not moving), including any remaining allies, at which point the life points gained are lost (which may well result in him falling down dead).
This skill must be used whenever the situation triggers his frenzy.

Critical Strikes [Single-use, base cost: 15 points]
There are three critical strikes which require a large amount of brute strength to achieve. They are :

  • Crush : This strike destroys what it hits. It shatters armour, fractures limbs, splinters doors and generally completely wrecks things. If a limb is struck, it is broken and useless, unless covered in at least 4 points of armour, in which case the armour is destroyed and the limb hit as per Numbing Blow.
  • Mighty Blow : If this strike hits an opponent, it deals 25 points of damage. Armour and Avoidance are effective as normal. It can be parried, but the parrying weapon will be shattered.

[Unlimited-use, base cost: 3 points]
This skill allows the character to swim. You can swim in light or medium armour if you have the relevant Wear Armour skill, but you cannot swim while wearing plate, I don't care what you say.

Heroic Effort
[Single-use, base cost: 10 points]
This skill allows the character to keep fighting even after he has taken enough damage to be killed, due to the sheer determination of the character. The player is able to act until the next dramatic moment, but every movement is a struggle (unless the character goes into a Battle Frenzy).

[Single-use, base cost: 10 points]
This skill allows the character to knock out an opponent with a single blow from a blunt cudgel-type weapon. Only creatures caught unaware can be affected.

Knock Back
[Single-use, base cost: 10 points]
This skill allows a fighter to knock an opponent back by 10 feet and to the ground with a single blow. The blow does no more damage than normal.

Body Building
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 20 points]
The character has been working out in his spare time, and can now strike at +1 damage (doubles).

Orc Strength
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 30 points; pre-req: Body Building]
The character is as strong as the largest orcs, and is striking at +2 damage (triples).

Ogre Strength
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 40 points; pre-req: Orc Strength]
The character is now exceptionally strong, and is striking at +3 damage (quads).

Giant Strength [Unlimited-use, base cost: 50 points; pre-req: Ogre Strength]
The character is now phenominally strong, almost as strong as a giant, and is striking at +4 damage (quints).

Numbing Blow
[Single-use, base cost: 10 points]
This skill allows a character to carefully select where a creatures limb is hit, causing a temporary numbing effect, making that limb useless for 30 seconds and anything being held must be dropped. This skill can only be used on legs or arms

Resist Disarm [Single-use, base cost: 5 points]
If one is disarmed by another, this skill allows the character to be able to keep hold of his weapon.

Grappling [Single-use, base cost: 15 points]
After aquiring a reasonable physical contact with a target (i.e. something more significant than a brief touch), the character can pin them, hold them or otherwise imobilise them in any way they see fit. Note that, after a grapple attack, both characters will be imobile. If the grappling character does more than shuffle, the hold is broken. The target can break free by use of the grappling skill, or by a Feat of Strength.

Unarmed Combat
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 30 points]
With this skill, the character can inflict damage with bare hands, simply by hitting people really hard. If you have the skill, you can subdue people, and any heightened-strength skills will still be in effect. Critical strikes however do not work when unarmed.
Note : No-one may take unarmed combat as a skill unless they have been specifically cleared by a ref, preferably two or more. This is a safety thing.

Wear Light Armour
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 20]
This skill allows the character to wear light armour (i.e Leather) without sacrificing the use of any other skills.
Note: Anyone can wear Fur/Cloth armour without penalty. Anyone can wear heavier armour, but they will be virtually imobile, and will not be able to use any more than the simplest of skills.

Wear Medium Armour
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 30; Pre-req: Wear Light]
The character has now familiarised himself with the wieght and feel of medium armour (Studded or Padded Leather), and can wear it without penalty.

Wear Heavy Armour
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 40; Pre-req: Wear Medium]
The character is now accustomed to wearing heavy armour (chain, ring, scale) and can wear it without penalty.

Wear Plate Armour
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 50; Pre-req: Wear Heavy]
The character can now cope with the complexities of trying to stay upright in a suit of plate mail. However, if he falls over, or is pushed in a ditch, or is otherwise similary embarrassed he may well be helpless without use of a feat of strength.

See also : Character Skills
  : Agility
  : Charisma
  : Craft
  : Intellect
  : Life
  : Mysticism
  : Perception
  : Strength summary table
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