Middle Class White Guy
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Life Points
[Base Cost : 1ep each]
The more Life Points you have, the greater the amount of physical damage your body can endure before giving out.
Although there are no racial modifiers, it is unusual for an elf to have lots or for a half-ogre to have few.
All characters begin with 10 Life Points.

[Single-use, base cost 10]
A warrior is required to fight without getting tired, and to stay awake for long periods. This skill allows a fighter to stay awake for 2 days, and to perform strenuous activity without ill effects.

Thick Hide
[Unlimited-use, base cost 30]
The character has survived harsh environments and had a rough upbringing, resulting in a body tougher than most. He can be considered to be wearing 1 point of armour at all times, without penalty. This effect is cumulative with other armour, and stacks normally with Avoidance.

Quick Healer
[Unlimited-use, base cost 30]
The character has a fast matabolism, and an iron constitution, and recovers from physical damage quicker than most. Any damage is recovered at a rate of 1 point per ten minutes of game time. This skill will not work if the character is reduced to zero life points.

Resist Subdue
[Single-use, base cost 5]
When a character is subdued, this skill allows the character to shrug off the effects and not fall unconcious. The character must be awake to use this skill.

Resist Disease
[Single-use, base cost 10]
The strenous exercise and healthy body of the character makes the player less likely than others to catch disease. Any damage caused by diseases are halved for the player, and he is less likely to catch diseases off others.

Resist Poison
[Single-use, base cost 10 ; Pre-req: Resist Disease]
Due to the great endurance of the character's body, any poison ingested by the player will only cause half damage, and only last for half as long.

Resist Element
[Single-use, base cost 15]
The character has endured long periods with the specified element, and has become more resilient to it than others will be. Any damage caused by this element is halved for this character.

Resist Life Drain
[Single-use, base cost 5]
Normally, when creatures such as wraiths and vampires latch onto a victim and begin draining them of life, the victim is paralysed by the horror of what is happening to them. With this skill, a character can fight back.

See also : Character Skills
  : Agility
  : Charisma
  : Craft
  : Intellect
  : Mysticism
  : Perception
  : Strength
  : Life summary table
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Except where stated, this site and its contents are copyright ©2025 Alec Harkness and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 License.
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