Middle Class White Guy
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[Unlimited-use, base cost: 5]
With this skill, the character can make and repair normal clothes, and make various everyday cloth objects (bags, scarfs, jumpers, pillows, etc.). If given some suitably tough material, he can create cloth or fur armour.

[Unlimited-use, base cost: 10; Pre-req : Needlework]
This skill allows the character to create suits of light leather armour if he has suitable equipment, and a suitable amount of leather.
Note that the hide of any creature can be fashioned into armour with this skill, but some hides are better than others.
Studded leather requires Metalwork to make, while padded leather requires Fashion Armour. Both count as Medium Armour.

[Unlimited-use, base cost: 5]
With this skill, the character can perform basic carpentry (fixing chairs, making bookshelves, etc.). This skill can be used to make quarterstaffs or arrows, but without Weaponsmith they will be of low quality.

[Unlimited-use, base cost: 10]
With this skill, the character can indulge in basic metalwork (hacksawing things up and bolting them back together). It is not much use on its own, but can be used effectively in combination with other things, and is often a prerequisiste to other skills. It can be used to make basic swords, but without Weaponsmith they will be of low quality.

Forge Metal
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 15; Pre-req : Metalwork]
The character can now smelt, forge and otherwise bugger about with metal in any of a hundred ways. Without the corresponding skills, he can not yet forge armour or weapons though, and certain more exotic metals and tasks may still be beyond his abilities.

Forge Master
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 20; Pre-req : Forge Metal]
The character is now adept in all matters metallic. He can do anything you ask to any metal you put before him. Note that without the relevant skills, he still cannot fashion armour or weaponry.

Fashion Armour
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 15]
This skill gives the character knowledge of how to effectively make suits of armour with any material with which he is proficient. With Leatherwork he can make Padded Leather armour, with Forge Metal he can create chain mail, scale mail, or any other heavy (non-plate) metal armour.

Fashion Plate
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 20; Pre-req's ; Fashion Armour AND Forge Metal AND Anatomy]
With this skill, suitable equipment and ample materials, the character can fashion suits of Plate Mail. Note that the choice of metal can have a bearing on the effectiveness of the armour (steel is better than lead), but anything too exotic (e.g. adamantium) requires Forge Master to work.

[Unlimited-use, base cost: 15]
With this skill the character can make decent weaponry from any material with which he is proficient. Metal weaponry requires Forge Metal to make while staves, bows and arrows require Woodwork and maybe Metalwork depending on design.

Weaponsmith (specialist)
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 20; Pre-req : Weaponsmith]
With this skill the character can make very good weapons of a certain type from any material with which he is proficient.

[Single-use, base cost: 10]
The character can establish the quality, and therefore the value, of any item constructed in a normal, non-magical manner. To give more than a cursory evaluation, the character must be familiar with how the item is made (i.e. to evaluate a weapon, he must have Weaponsmith).

[Unlimited-use, base cost: 10]
This skill allows the payer to be able to teach a skill to another. The instructer must be proficient in the skill (obviously).

Inscribe Runes
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 5 ; Pre-req: 1st level magic (Any Realms Magic OR Alchemy)]
This skill allows the player to be able to properly inscribe magic runes. Sometimes useful on its own, this skill is a pre-requisite for the creation of summoning circles, enchanted items (including Talismans) and the like.

Create Talisman
[Single-use, base cost: 10 ; Pre-req: Inscribe Runes]
With this skill, a character can take any item of at least semi-decent quality, and with careful preparations and inscribing of runes, can turn it into a magical battery. Talismans are used for storing certain Alchemical preparations and the spells of Hermetic Mages.

Create Circle
[Single-use, base cost: 10 ; Pre-req: Inscribe Runes]
Any fool can draw a circle with a stick and call it a Ritual Circle. With this skill, a character can mark out an area over which a spell will take effect. These 'circles' can be of any shape, and of any size equal to or smaller than the spell's area of effect.
This skill is one of many pre-requisites for the closely guarded skills and rites that are used for the creation of Ritual Circles.

[Unlimited-use, base cost: 5]
This skill gives the character a basic knowledge of plants, roots and fungi. He is able to discern their names and uses, but is not necessarily able to make use of them himself.

Mix Poison
[Single-use, base cost: varies - see list]
There are four types of poison that can be mixed by the craftsman: Knockout poison, Ingesting poison, Blade venom and Contact poison. Each is a seperate skill, and each (except Knockout Poison) does one point of damage per minute until cured.

  • Knockout Poison : [Cost : 10 ; Pre-req: Herbalism] This poison can be administered by touch, or by inhalation or ingestion. It takes effect instantly, knocking the victim unconscious for one minute, but does no real damge. Once removed from its container, it will only remanin potent for a few minutes.
  • Ingesting Poison : [Cost : 15 ; Pre-req: Herbalism] This poison is administered to food or drink, and must be ingested by the victim for it to take effect. It remains potent for 24 hours and takes effect within an hour of ingestion.
  • Blade Venom : [Cost : 20 ; Pre-req: Mix Ingesting Poison] This poison can be administered with any piercing instrument, e.g. a sword or arrow. If the venom is thereby introduced into the victim's bloodstream, they will take poison damage in addition to any damage inflicted by the instrument. Blade venom remains potent for one hour after application to the instrument, and takes effect within 30 seconds.
  • Contact Poison : [Cost : 25 ; Pre-req: Mix Blade Venom] This particularly nasty venom need only make contact with the victim's skin to take effect. It can be administered with any convenient implement, but must be administered within five minutes of application. It will take effect within 30 seconds.

The character may create, in a week, 3 doses of poison. Antidotes can be produced by anyone with the skill to mix the poison, and will prevent further damage. Knockout antitode will revive an unconscious victim (even if they were knocked out by other means than poison).

Bind wounds
[Single-use, base cost: 8]
If a character is taken to zero life-points, they will die in five minutes. However, if someone takes the time to bind their wounds, their life expectancy can be extended from minutes to hours.
Bind Wounds heals no life points, and the wounded character will still die soon if help cannot be found. Requires the purchase (or improvisation) of bandages.

[Unlimited-use, base cost: 10]
This skill allows the character to understand the basic workings of the human body, how it works and how it is put together.

Healer Skills (require Guild Membership)

[Unlimited-use, base cost: 10]
This skill allows the player to determine how badly injured a creature is, how it was injured, and what should be done to make it better. It does not necessarily mean they themselves can do anything about it however.

First Aid
[Unlimited-use, base cost: 10; Pre-req's : Bind Wounds and Diagnosis]
Any fool can bandage up a gaping gash and keep a character from bleeding to death. It takes someone with real knowledge to actually do any good.
First Aid will only heal 1 life point, but it will prevent the character from dying. The character will revive and be capable of walking with support within a few minutes of First Aid being applied. Requires the periodic purchase of a First Aid Bag (improvisation will not suffice).
If First Aid is applied to someone recently hurt (i.e. still bleeding) but not dying, it counts as "Heal Light" and heals 3 life points.

[Unlimited-use, base cost: 20 ; Pre-req: First Aid and Anatomy]
This skill gives the character a reasonable basic medicinal knowledge. He can administer onitments, treat wounds, and cure minor ailments if the appropriate materials are to hand.
A Medic can buy the following single-use skills (Craft list-multiplier applies), but must periodically buy a Medical Kit Bag for 20 banes.

  • Heal Medium [base cost: 5] - Heals 5 life points.
  • Apply Salve [base cost: 5] - Heals 8 points (requires a salve, poultice or similar ointment, costing around 10 banes each)
  • Detect Poison [base cost: 5] - Detects if a creature has been poisoned, the nature of the poison (ingested, contact or whatever) and the type (herbal, magical, etc.) More exact information is only gained with knowledge of poisons). Required before poison can be treated or cured.
  • Treat Poison [base cost: 5] - Halts progress of poison. With constant attention, a victim does not take damage from poison (although they will still feel terrible). Requires a use of Detect Poison. The Poison will not be cured, unless an antidote is found.

[Unlimited-use, base cost: 30 Pre-req: Medicine]
The character now has significant knowledge of medical matters, and can sterilise wounds, cure poisons, and set broken bones.
A Physician can buy the following single-use skills (Craft list-multiplier applies), but must periodically buy a Physician's Kit Bag for 40 banes.

  • Heal Serious [base cost: 5] - Heals 10 life points.
  • Heal Sceptic [base cost: 5] - Sceptic wounds cannot be healed unless this skill is used first. It heals no life points.
  • Apply Anaesthetic [base cost: 5] - Anaesthetic can be applied in measured doses. All pain will vanish, and the patient will exoerience mild euphoria. Anaesthetic can be used recreationally, but if used to excess it can kill.
  • Repare Limb [base cost: 5] - The limb is trussed up good and proper, and is unusable for the rest of the adventure. However, it will be usable the next time the character is played.
  • Cure Poison [base cost: 5] - A poisoned creature can be purged, and will recover within minutes (although they will still fell terrible). Requires a use of Detect Poison, but does not require an antidote.
  • Cure Disease [base cost: 5] - A known disease can be treated and cured. Depending on the seriousness of the disease, treatment and recovery times can vary. Requires a use of the Diagnosis skill.

[Unlimited-use, base cost: 40 Pre-req: Physician]
The character now has extensive knowledge of all medical matters, and can graft flesh, perform amputations and transplants, and bring people back from the point of death. A surgeon can heal a person up to full health, from any state, although it will take time and equipment.
A Surgeon can buy the following single-use skills (Craft list-multiplier applies), but must periodically buy a Surgeon's Kit Bag for 80 banes.

  • Heal Mortal [base cost: 5] - Heals 20 life points. This will take an hour of constant attention.
  • Heal Body [base cost: 5] - Heals ALL life points. This will take a day of constant attention. Specific damage such as Sceptic wounds, crushed limbs and so forth must still be dealt with seperately.
  • Graft Limb [base cost: 5] - If a limb has been severed cleanly within the last five minutes, a surgeon can sew it back on. The pain will be intolerable without aneasthetic, and the patient will normally pass out. After grafting, a Repare Limb must be used.
  • Cure Unknown Disease [base cost: 5] - A previously unknown disease, or a new variant on a known disease, can be treated and cured. Depending on the seriousness of the disease, treatment and recovery times can vary. Requires a use of the Diagnosis skill. Certain particulary virulent diseases require this skill to be cured, even though they are well known.

See also : Character Skills
  : Agility
  : Charisma
  : Intellect
  : Life
  : Mysticism
  : Perception
  : Strength
  : Craft summary table
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