Middle Class White Guy
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Stuff I've found on my travels around the web

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Fog-related driving idiocy
I'm constantly amazed at the stupidity of drivers. And it's not just one or two, it's dozens of the idiots!

And don't for a second claim that it couldn't happen here, 'cos you know damn well it could (and you probably drive like this too)
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A tale of salesmen
Sometimes you just need to change a few words, and you see how much crap people have been talking
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Nigel Kennedy play Dr. Who
Put on your headphones and turn the volume right up. It's breath-stealingly good.
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If Shakespeare had been born a chav, while lacking none of the genius wordcraft, maybe this is what he'd have come up with.
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Chair flip trick
Quick, simple and very impressive.

Gimme enough practice, I'me sure I could do it (ahem)
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Worst studio recording session ever
Worst? Best? Funniest, certainly!
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Weebl's Stuff - A Walk in the Woods
A very odd little cartoon from the makers of Magical Trevor.

It helps a lot if you like poo gags.
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Kitty trapped between glass
At first, it just looks unfortunate, then it's suddenly impressive
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I guess you'll do
This is your life, and the life of everyone you will ever meet, unless you choose to be different.
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German mirror gag
Identical twins, a fake mirror, and confused Germans. Well, it amused me.

When she tried to convince the woman she disappeared after taking off her glasses, well that might have been a tad mean but still...
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