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The legend of the werewolf stretches back into the mists of time almost as far as the Elder Races. Children in all cultures, of all races, have been scared by the tales of savage ferocity that only the mightiest heroes could defeat. In the rural lands in and around the Larcax forest, it is werewolves that are the greatest source of supersticious terror.

The more urban and educated people generally considered werewolves no more than folklore until comparatively recently, with the settling of Keese. Keese is a town populated by intelligent, educated people situated in the heart of much that is wierd and scary. Now, reliable witnesses have assured the academic community that lycanthropes do indeed exist and are, as a rule, as scary as they are made out to be.

Now, I've been role-playing for a while now, and if there's one thing I've learnt it's that players are always interested in ways to get more ludicrously powerful. Thus, it did not surprise me when it emerged that there were people who wanted to play werewolves.

So, for all you blatant power-trippers out there, these are the rules for playing one of the most dangerous natural creatures after the dragons.


Lycanthropy is a kind of disease. It can be passed from mother to child, or via the bite of a lycanthrope. It comes in a variety of types, but in the Larcax forest, the only form to be found is Lupine Lycanthropy.

Anyone infected by lupine lycanthropy will, as the disease develops, become more feral in nature. They will develop a distaste for city life and begin to prefer the forest. Of course, in rural communities, these changes will not be noticed, if they are changes at all.

More dramatic than this, and the cause of all the fear and mystery, is the phenomenon of shape-shifting.

Shape Shifting

On nights of the full moon, the victim will be at their most feral. Their inner-most primal urges will come to the surface, unshackled from all restraints of civilised behaviour. They will become as wild beasts, acting purely on instinct and urges, their rational minds being swamped by the inner beast. This change can be so extreme that it actually manifests physically, and the victim changes form from human to animal.

In the example of lupine lycanthropy, this form is that of a werewolf.

The werewolf is a humanoid-wolven hybrid that is the embodiment of primal rage. The victim's strength and endurance will increase massively. They develop claws and teeth, long fur, sometimes a tail. They will grow in stature, and their bodies and faces will distort beyond all recognition. Merely setting eyes on this beast will generally be enough to send a person fleeing in terror, even if they don't see the ferocious acts of carnage that these creatures are prone to leave in their wake.

It is important to note however that the victim of lycanthropy has absolutely no rational volition when in werewolf form. They have no real control over their actions, and almost never remember what they did after the event. It is quite common for a victim to be completely unaware of their condition.

But there is another form. Sometimes the primal instincts take a more passive form, and the person transforms into a wolf. This wolf will resemble any other wolf, but will be distinct in its solitary nature. It is interesting to note that, if a lycanthrope bites a normal wolf, that wolf will be infected by the disease. This brings us to another point.

Hereditary Lycanthropy

For every variant on the disease, there are two groups of victim. One is always the humanoid races, the other is the species of animal. This means that, as lycanthropy can be passed from mother to child, a natural wolf could be born a lupine lycanthrope.

But how can this be? How can a wolf take on a wolven form at full moon? They can't. If a lycanthrope is born as a wolf, they will still take on the same werewolf form as described above, but they can also take on human form.

It is interesting to note that all animal-born lycanthropes turn into humans. It seems there is no such thing as elven lycanthropy, or orcish lycanthropy or suchlike. Much of the disease still remains a mystery, including why this should be the case.

If a child is born a lycanthrope, the disease will not manifest until it has grown to adulthood, although the signs will always be there for those who know to see. Lycanthropy can only be cured while it is in this latent state.

Playing a Werewolf

If you haven't been put off yet (of course you haven't, I know you) you will want to know how you get to play such a creature. Well...

You cannot create a werewolf character. However, you can create a normal character and then have it catch the disease. This will however require the spending of one special ep.

The process will be role-played at the next oppurtunity, the next adventure you play if possible. You will be bitten by a werewolf, you will survive, you will aquire the skill Lycanthropy. This is the first skill of the Werewolf Skill-List.

The Werewolf Form

As a werewolf, you are bigger, stronger and tougher than you were. As the disease progresses, and your werewolf form becomes ever more the embodiment of primal ferocity, you will gain invulnerabilities and immunities to rival the most powerful of creatures. Even the undead fear werewolves. However, all this power does not come instantly, and even when it does come, you can do little with it.

To start with, at full moon you will simply run around naked and howl a lot. It is only when the disease starts to take hold that you actually physically transform. Even then, you are a pitiful example of a werewolf - little more than a large, hairy, snarling person with a foul temper. At this point, you can still be controlled by a good Charmist.

Over time, the disease will penetrate deeper, and you will develop. Claws and teeth will grow, you will get stronger, you will develop powers unique to werewolves. Your mind will be so full of rage that no attempts at mind-control will reach you. This includes your own attempts though, and you will be a mindless mass of fury, and will remember nothing the next day. Unless...

In this world, as you know, mental discipline can be developed to such a level that you can conjure the forces of magic. It is therefore possible to develop the mental discipline to first gain an awareness of your lycanthropic state, and then gain a modicum of control. This is seperate from the disease though, and will not simply develop over time.

Note that, if you are keeping your rage under control, you also leave yourself open to mind-control from outside forces. You can't have it both ways.

It is also as a result of mental self-discipline that one can learn to channel your primal instincts into the more controllable form of the wolf.

The Wolven Form

The wolven form is the embodiment of the more subtle natural instincts - survival through cunning and awareness over sheer force. It is much more at one with the spiritual aspects of nature, and grants an awareness of the same forces of nature that Shamen utilise. Thus, if the condition of lycanthropy can be focused such that the victim instead transforms into this form, they can retain a great deal more of their self-awareness.

In appearance, the wolven form is indistinguishable from a natural wolf. Shaman are aware enough to spot the werewolf for what it is, if they have reason to look, and wolfmen can spot the difference comparatively easily. Apart from these, only an expert of lupine behaviour could discern the subtle differences that would reveal the werewolf as something unusual. Of course, if the werewolf is spotted somewhere where wolves are known to not inhabit, or if they do something blatantly non-wolflike, suspicions could be aroused in anyone.

Wolves are considerably more aware than humans, but it will take some time before the werewolf can begin to make sense of all the new signals their brain is picking up. As they learn however, they can begin to use the natural laws to their advantage. The wolven form gains none of the destructive powers of the werewolf form, but they make up for it in heightened senses and more subtle abilities.

If the wolven werewolf comes into contact with natural wolves, they will attempt to be polite, although they will be wary. Wolves know exactly what you are, but do not fear you. If you practice, you can learn to communicate with them in their own language. This will help immensely if you wish to be accepted into their circle.

The Growth and Spread

While the disease is developing, your character traits will also be affected. If you were born a werewolf, these changes will not be apparent, or rather they will just be attributed to normal adolescence. If you aquire the disease as an adult though, the changes will be quicker and more apparent. Although you will not become a completely different person, you will definitely change to the point of hanging out with different people, and in a different inn, and so forth. These changes must be role-played, and I won't try and bind you with rules. However, I will lay down a few guidelines.

After contracting the disease, you will become restless in the days around the full moon, and positively hyperactive on the night itself.

After shape-shifting for the first time, you may develop a mild claustrophobia, and a dislike of crowds and cities.

After you've spent around 50 eps on werewolf skills, you will have a more physical temperament. You prefer action to thought, and tend to go with your instincts.

Once you've spent 100 ep's, you will be beginning to act in a more feral way, relying less on sight and more on hearing and scent. You will obey your instincts before your brain, and will tend to be rash and quick to anger.

The process continues in this way.

With all that out of the way, I can at last reveal to you all the juicy skills you can use for the tearing to shreds of peasants and drop-outs.

The Werewolf Skill-list

As a lycanthrope, you are assumed to have a x1 list-multiplier.

None of these skills have any effect unless you are in werewolf form (except the shape-shifting ones that put you in werewolf form of course).

[Cost: special]
This is the disease that causes it all, and it is necessary for you to have if you want any of the werewolf skills.

[Cost: 20; Unlimited-use ; Pre-req: Lycanthropy]
The disease has developed to the point where, on nights of the full moon, you will take on the form of a werewolf. While in this form, you have absolutely no control of your actions. You are in a state similar to the Strength skill Battle Frenzy, but even more severe.

Shape-Shift (wolven)
[Cost: 15; Unlimited-use ; Pre-req: Shape-Shift]
You have learnt sufficient self-awareness that you can choose to go into wolven form instead of werewolf form. You cannot change at will though, nor can you choose when to change back.
This skill is necessary to give you access to the wolven skill-list. You will have a list-multiplier of x2.

Control Shape-Shift
[Cost: 15; Single-use ; Pre-req: Shape-Shift]
Only now can you shift into the werewolf form at will, but you will still not be in control, and you cannot choose when you shift back to your normal form.

[Cost: 15; Single-use ; Pre-req: Control Shape-Shift]
Once you gain a degree of awareness of your werewolf state, you reduce your state of frenzy to that of a normal berserker. i.e. you may, if you choose, revert to your natural form after all around you are dead or a close approximation to dead. You will also remember your actions as a werewolf, but you still cannot control yourself.

[Cost: 25; Single-use ; Pre-req: Self-Control]
Only now do you have any degree of control over your actions. You are still the embodiment of primal rage however, so control is minimal. You can do nothing that requires any degree of thought, certainly no magic, but you can use combat skills from other skill-lists.
Note that if you choose to exercise Self-Mastery, you will sacrifice any immunities to Charm and suchlike that you may have from Mind Rage.

Claws and Teeth
[Cost: 10; Unlmited-use ; Pre-req: Shape-Shift]
Now you can start wreaking the destruction you have fantasised about. A claw slash, or a bite will do 1 point of damage. Not much, but wait till the damage bonuses start mounting up.
If you do someone damage by biting them, you will infect them with lycanthropy.

Werewolf Strength
[Cost: 30; Unlimited-use ; Pre-req: Shape-Shift]
Your increasing strength means you can trash things ever more effectively. You do +1 damage, and get a free, unlimited-uses, Feat of Strength (as the strength skill). Notice that there is no limit to the number of times you can buy this skill.

Werewolf Fortitude
[Cost: 30; Unlimited-use ; Pre-req: Shape-Shift]
Werewolves are well-'ard. So 'ard, they can be regarded as wearing +1 level of armour for every time they buy this skill. No Wear Armour or Transcend Armour skills are needed.
Again notice that there is no limit to the number of times you can buy this skill.

[Cost: 30; Single-use ; Pre-req: Fortitude]
Werewolves really are rock-'ard. Use this skill and you will regenerate your life-points to full. This takes one second per life-point recovered, and can only be done during a pause in your rampaging. If you are interupted, the regeneration stops, and you will need another use of the skill to try again.
Note, it will be obvious that you are regenerating to anyone who is watching you.

Mind Rage
[Cost: 15; Unlimited-use ; Pre-req: Shape-Shift]
When the rage fills your mind, there is no space for the subtle coercions of others. You are completely oblivious to all attempts at mind control, including Charm, Fear and Mind-Read effects.
Note that using Self-Mastery negates this skill.

Partial Invulnerability
[Cost: 10; Unlimited-use ; Pre-req: Fortitude]
You are now invulnerable to the effects of extremes of environment i.e. extreme heat or cold (from +100 to -100 degrees Celsius).

[Cost: 30; Unlimited-use ; Pre-req: Partial Invulnerability]
You can now withstand almost any evironmental extreme, including (non-magical) fire, ice or corrosive fluids. You cannot drown or suffocate, although you will fall unconscious if deprived of oxygen. It justs takes longer, and you will recover.
Note that, while this skill is still being used, you will not revert to human form, even if you are unconscious.

[Cost: 15; Unlimited-use ; Pre-req: Fortitude]
You are now immune to the effects of poisons, potions or disease. If you contract a disease whilst in human form, transforming into werewolf form will purge it from you.
Note that certain poisons and potions will prevent you from being able to transform, e.g. by flooding you with apathy.

[Cost: 20; Unlimited-use; Pre-req: Fortitude]
Just in case of the remote chance of somebody actually hurting you, you can now ignore all effects of any pain inflicted (this includes any magically-induced pain). With a use of this skill, you can ignore the effects of a numbing blow, a crush, a subdue, or you can continue functioning for one minute after losing all life-points.

[Cost: 15; Unlimited-use ; Pre-req: Shape-Shift]
As if you weren't scary enough already, if you have this skill, anyone without Resist Fear will run screaming in terror at the first sight of you.

The Wolven Skill-List

The wolven form is, to all intents and purposes, identical to that of a natural wolf. Shamen can detect the difference however, as can other wolves (who will react with wariness, although not necessarily hostility)

As a humanoid, you are assumed to have a x2 list-multiplier.

You must have the werewolf skill Shape-Shift (wolven) to buy skills from this list.

Control Shape-Shift
[Cost: 15; Single-use]
You can now shift into wolven form at will. What's more, you can even shift back at will too at no extra cost. Now there's a bargain.

[Cost: 25; Single-use]
You can now remember, and control your actions as a wolf. Your control is limited, and you can do nothing that requires speech or intelligent thought. You can however use any normal skills that are reasonably translated into wolf terms (perception skills for example).

Wolven Tracking
[Cost: 10; Single-use]
As a wolf, your senses are a lot better, and tracking is easier. You can now track anyone, even if they have used Conceal Tracks. To shake you off, they must use Conceal Scent as well.

Wolven Stealth
[Cost: 15; Single-use]
As a wolf, you are much better suited for sneaking around without being detected. This skill works as a Hide and limitless Sneak, but you must always make an effort to remain concealed.

Wolven awareness
[Cost: 18; Single-use]
As a wolf, with better senses to make use of, you are significantly more perceptive than a human. This skill can be used as any one of :- Detect Hidden, Detect Magic, Detect Divine, Detect Illusion or Direction Sense

Comprehend Animal (wolf)
[Cost: 10; Unlimited-use]
You're a wolf, you ought to be able to speak the language. Be aware that wolves tend to regard different things as important, so are less likely to know about a bandit camp than a good herd of gazelle.
Note that this skill will work with other animals, but they may be influenced by your strong wolven dialect.
Note also that wolven-born lycanthropes have to buy an equivalent skill: Comprehend Human (a skill that many humans don't seem to possess).

Natural Lore
[Cost: 12; Unlimited-use]
As an animal, you are more in tune with nature. You instinctively know where to look for food and what is good to eat. This skill effectively works as a combined Forage and Herbalism (you cannot name plants, but know their properties when eaten raw). It also can be used to Detect Poison in anything to be eaten (i.e. ingesting poison only).

See also : Bestiary
  : Lycanthropes
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