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The Wolfmen

The Clans

The wolfmen are a clan-based society, much like the celts. Although studies cannot be considered complete, there are known to be seven distinct and seperate clans. There is no common leadership, each clan governing itself as it feels it should. Relations between clans vary, with clan feuds and wars being decidedly common.

The war with the people of Keese is the only time when all the clans were united. This made them a formidable foe, and it is generally accepted that without the firepower of the human mages, they would have triumphed with little difficulty.

Wolfman society is not hampered by such things as politics or economics. They live for the moment, and have no desire for the trappings of power or wealth that humans are so driven by. However, this does not mean they are a peaceful race. Far from it. Wolfmen are a violent race, with most decision-making being based on the outcome of a fight. The degree of violence shown in everyday life varies between clans, but it is always prominent. They are intrinsically aggressive, to outsiders, to other wolfmen, even sometimes to their own clan. They are not normally biased unless they are currently at war with someone, and so generally treat everyone equally. However, they all consider themselves still at war with the humans, and so are likely to be extremely prejudiced towards any they meet.

Some wolfmen are known to have left there clans to try and join the human society. Motives vary, as does the success of their integration. Sometimes it is wanderlust, sometimes they are thrown out. In Keese, there is a great deal of distrust towards wolfmen (with reason), but being the mercenary place that it is, most are given some sort of chance if they can convince the first people they meet that they are not spies.

Clan McFarlane
The youngest of the clans, and by far the most needlessly violent. They are brash, arrogant and show know respect for anyone. They will start fights and wars for the sheer joy of destruction. Luckily their attention span is short, so prolongued conflicts are not common.
Clan McKean
One of the older clans, they are also one of the stranger ones. They are aloof and eccentric, but are respected by most of the clans. They will welcome visitors, but somehow won't tell them anything. No-one really knows what they're about.
Clan McKeever
Very strange bunch indeed. The other clans tend to give them a wide berth, as they really do tend to be dangerously deranged. It is rumoured that they torture and experiment on prisoners, and that they are constantly seeking new and shocking ways to dispatch innocent parties.
Clan McKrea
Another of the younger clans, but more laid-back and easy going than the McFarlanes. It's true that they take great delight in the joys of killing, but they take just as much delight in eating and drinking. They are loyal to their friends and will suffer much to meet vengeance on their enemies, making them prone to being dragged into other peoples wars. If you meet one, act tough, and buy them a beer.
Clan Milligan
For such a young clan, they are surpisingly introspective. They do not shy away from violence, and sometimes actively seek it, but they seem to treat everything as part of a play. They appreciate the joy and tragedy of conflict more than the conflict itself, and seek ways of expressing it in ever more colourful detail.
Clan Moore
The oldest and most respected clan, even the McFarlanes acknowledge them as the model of wolfman society. Their degree of violence has reached the level of poetry, always brutal but never without reason. Their wisdom is deep and yet accessible, such that even the most brash of youngsters can see its value. This clan is becoming fragmented however, and modern times are beginning to take their toll.
Clan Morrison
This clan has long since succumbed to decadence and has become arrogant and snobbish, looking on all the other clans with contempt. They seek to model themselves on clan Moore, but achieve only extreme violence mixed with third-rate pretension. Occasionally they achieve brilliance, either in thought or action, and it is this alone that preserves their standing in the wolfmen society.

See also : Bestiary
  : Wolfman War
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